Be our Guest This Sunday

What Can I Say? : Part Two

As we continue our blog from last week, today I wish to share a few more ideas and hopefully words of encouragement  in your journey to “Making Disciples.”

As you recall, a gentleman asked me and another pastor what they can say to their neighbor who is lost?  This blog series are some things we discussed with this gentleman and I believe we can all be reminded.

In Part One of the series I mentioned:
  1. Remember - You have already started and
  2. Look for opportunities to mention Jesus.

Here are three more topics that we shared and I pray will motivate you and I to stay focused on our mission to share Jesus with others.

3.   Pray before you meet.  Take a moment and ask God to lead the conversations you have, create the opportunities to interject Jesus at the right times and that you will have the discernment to notice these opportunities. Pray for the other person and that their heart and mind will be open.

4. Be yourself!  Too many times we think we have to use church words or say specific things or pressure them into a prayer of salvation.  Just be yourself. Listen and discover ways to minister to them.

5. Invite to other events than Sunday morning “church.” Some people are turned off by “church” for many reasons.  However, they may be more open to come to have dinner with you on Wednesday nights for FREE, join other ladies on hike, book club, home group study, or join other men for breakfast or Fish Fest.  Use these opportunities for invitations.  Oh yes!  Don’t simply see if they will show up - pick them up and bring them with you.

Matthew 9:37-38
Then he [Jesus] said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”

Serving Our Savior,
Pastor Rodney (Rev Rod)
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