Be our Guest This Sunday

We Made History

For the third year in a row Mt. Olivet Baptist, combined with thousands of other Southern Baptist churches, have set a new missions giving record! This year’s Annie Armstrong Easter Offering totaled more than $70.2 million.
Thank you for your faithful giving!
All across North America, God is putting those gifts to work. New churches are being started, new believers are being baptized, and missionaries like Matt and Ruth Lahey are being encouraged. The Laheys, who are planting a church on the Canadian island of Newfoundland, speak for thousands of other missionaries when they say, “Thank you!”
“Canadians call Newfoundland ‘the Rock’ because life here is hard. Church planting is hard here too, but we’re actually seeing people come to saving faith in Jesus Christ. That’s happening because countless Southern Baptist churches are praying and giving to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. So thank you for pouring into church plants like ours. Thank you for giving.”
Our church fueled the Lahey’s plant and hundreds more just like it. These new works all over North America are sharing Christ in places where up until now, there was little or no gospel witness. This is work that wouldn’t be possible without you and your church’s support.
Thank you again for making North American missions a historic priority to once again reach the highest offering total ever. We cannot do this work without you.

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