Be our Guest This Sunday

Mt. Olivet Baptist Church Staff

Rev. Rodney Duckett


Pastor Rodney leads our worship time in an exciting journey through God’s Word. Each week we are challenged to not simply hear a sermon, but more importantly, allow the Gospel of Jesus Christ change us daily.

Jody Atwood

worship leader & worship ministry team leader

Jody leads us each which in a dynamic and engaging worship service that includes a blend of traditional hymns with modern praise and worship songs. 

J.T. Everett

youth director

JT leads our youth in small groups studies on Sunday mornings, Youth Worship on Wednesday Evenings and gathers everyone together for monthly fellowships.
Youth Grade 6 through 12 are welcome. 

Emily Maxfield

Ministry Administrative Support


Ministry Leadership Team

Mike Cox

deacon chair, 2023

 Mike leads our Deacon Ministry at Mt. Olivet Baptist Church.  The Deacon Ministry is an extension of the Pastoral ministry of the Church that is performed by spirit-filled men who are called to exemplify the love of God by praying, serving, and encouraging all people to grow into the likeness of Jesus Christ in a spirit of unity and peace.   The Deacons in our church are responsible for ministering to our church membership on an ongoing basis and especially during times of need.  

If you have a question or need, please contact your Family Deacon or contact Mike directly for assistance.

Rev. Bill Brooks

discipleship ministry team leader

 "Brother Bill" leads Discipleship Ministry at Mt. Olivet Baptist.  The Discipleship Ministry of Mt. Olivet Baptist includes recruiting, training, and equipping individuals to fulfill their calling to teach God’s Word.  The goal of this ministry is to engage all individuals, families and guests that God places in our care in personal spiritual growth.  The Discipleship Ministry is responsible for all Bible Study related activities and events of the church including: Adult Bible Classes, Connect Groups, Sunday School (All Ages as appropriate), Women's studies, Men's studies, etc. as well as maintaining the church library resources.

If you feel you are called by God to be involved in this growing ministry or simply have an interest in this area of service, contact "Brother Bill" today.

Rev. Ray Frazier

evangelism & missions ministry team leader

Ray is the person in our church who gets us serving in our community and around the world. The Evangelism & Missions Ministry Team is responsible for all mission education and projects, outreach, visitation as well as personal evangelistic education and efforts of the church.  Ray works to facilitate the equipping and mobilizing individual members of our church to be personally engaged in reaching the lost in our Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the uttermost parts of the world with the Good News of Jesus Christ.

If you are interested in sharing the love of Jesus to people throughout the world, contact Ray today and see where you can jump in. 

Debbie Frazier

fellowship ministry team leader

A healthy church likes to get together with one another and strengthen our relationships.   Debbie Frazier leads our Fellowship Ministry and is responsible for overseeing all church fellowship events of the church focused on building relationships with one another.  This ministry coordinates all church-wide activities including: Fellowship Café, Post-Worship events, Festivals, Conferences, Weddings, Holiday events, parties, etc.

If you would like to be involved in this very active ministry, contact Debbie Frazier.

Steve Goolsby

outreach ministry team leader

Jesus said, "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”    - Matthew 28:19-20
Jesus invited every believer to be involved in the mission of telling others about Him.  Unfortunately today over 60% of our local community is currently unchurched, uninvolved or concerned about spiritual matters.  Many of these same individuals do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ. As a result, these individuals are destined to spend eternity outside of the presence of God.

Steve leads our church's efforts of engaging followers of Christ in the Great Commission of our Lord.

Kerry Hale

CARE ministry team leader

 Kerry leads up our CARE Ministry at Mt. Olivet Baptist.
The Care Ministry of Mt. Olivet Baptist Church is responsible for ministering to families and individuals and especially during times of need.  This ministry works ito create a hospitable and safe environment in our church a to ensure every person feels welcome here.  This ministry includes,  Greeters, Ushers, Safety as well as assisting with the Deacon Family Ministry, and Pastoral Care (Hospital, Funeral and Benevolence) needs of the church.

This highly impactful ministry is always needing individuals to serve. Please contact Kerry today if you are interested.