Be our Guest This Sunday

NOTE: All information is Confidential. Data will only be shared as aggregated information, not individual data. 

At Mt. Olivet Baptist we strive to nurture and deepen our spiritual growth as a church body, and we believe it is essential to tailor our Bible Classes to meet the needs and interests of our congregation.
With this in mind, you are invited to participate in a brief survey to share your interests regarding the topics and and classes you would to be included in future Bible Classes at our church. 
NOTE: If using a phone, turning horizontal or landscape will provide for easier viewing.

Class Room Environment

Small Group/Class Times

Individual Information

Reminder: Your Individual information is only used to summarize data for planning purposes.  All individual data remains confidential. 

If you would like for us to contact you as classes and groups are formed that meet your survey criteria - please provide with your Name, Email and Phone Number.  Otherwise, your information will be submitted anonymously and we will NOT be able to contact you.